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New Middle East Exports Dashboard from Petro-Logistics and Oilytics

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Petro-Logistics has partnered with data visualization platform Oilytics ( to offer a new set of web-based dashboards to easily and quickly draw out analytical insights from our industry-standard tanker tracking data. The latest tool is our Middle East Crude and Condensate Exports dashboard.

Middle East crude and condensate exports dashboard screenshot from Petro-Logistics and Oilytics

The Middle East dashboard is updated daily from our latest tanker tracking data and has data for all major OPEC and Non-OPEC Middle Eastern crude exporting countries. These are the countries covered.

  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Kuwait
  • Neutral Zone
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE

Any future countries Petro-Logistics adds coverage for in the Middle East will be added to the dashboard as well.

The dashboard functions as follows.

  1. Select the exporting country to view.
  2. Set timeframe, units, and filters for load and discharge locations, grades, customers, and oil type.
  3. Choose a legend field for charts and pivot table column headers to produce the time series desired.

Other features of the dashboard interface include the following.

  • Any configuration of selections and filters can be saved as a bookmark for easy standardized views.
  • All data from charts and pivot tables can be downloaded in Excel format.
  • Charts can be enlarged for easier detailed views when there are many legend series.
  • The latest month-to-date flows are captured and refreshed daily.

This data can be found in our country Excel reports, but the dashboard gathers all Middle Eastern countries in one place and provides much greater flexibility, speed, and customized standardization in organizing and visualizing the data.

Click here or email us at c2FsZXNAcGV0cm8tbG9naXN0aWNzLmNvbQ== for information on trials and pricing for any of our dashboards.